

Philological faculty is one of the leading centres in the field of study of the Russian language and Western European languages and literature and it practises different forms of education. Every year 200 foreign students, trainees and post graduates from different countries are educated here. All departments are involved in the educational process. Realization of individual programmes of teaching and individual classes for students is also available.

Philological faculty of the Belorussian State University welcomes foreign citizens to apply for educational programmes in the following specialities: 

First degree of higher education:



Branches: Russian as a foreign language, Literature and Editorial work, Computer technologies, Business communication)

Qualification (as written in diploma): Philologist. Teacher of the Russian language and literature as foreign ones.

Special disciplines:

  • methodology of teaching the Russian language as a foreign one;
  • theory and practice of intercultural communication;
  • functional and communicative grammar in the aspect of the Russian language as a foreign one;
  • computer technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language;
  • introduction into linguistics and cultural studies. etc.


(target languages: English ,German, French, Italian)

Qualification (as written in diploma): Philologist. Translator. Teacher of foreign languages and literature (languages and literature are indicated).


Special disciplines:



  • theory and practice of translation;
  • Romance-Germanic mythology;
  • history of literature of the target language country;
  • methodology of teaching a foreign language;
  • historical grammar of the foreign language;
  • theoretical grammar of the major foreign language;
  • stylistics of the foreign language;
  • introduction into intercultural communication etc.

Qualification (as written in diploma): Philogist. Translator. Teacher of foreign languages and literature (languages and literature are notified).

Special disciplines:

  • theory and practice of translation;
  • Eastern mythology;
  • history of literature of the target language country ;
  • methodology of teaching the foreign language;
  • historical grammar of the foreign language;
  • theoretical grammar of the Chinese language;
  • stylistics of the foreign language;
  • introduction into intercultural communication etc..

Post graduate study (Master’s degree):

(Russian, Belorussian, English, German, French, Italian, Chinese)

Qualification (as written in diploma): Master of Education.

Special disciplines:

  • innovative technologies in teaching languages as foreign ones.;
  • ethnolinguistics;
  • translation and intercultural communication;
  • cross-cultural studies;
  • semiotics;
  • language of Mass Media;
  • philosophy of the language and communication etc.

(language of instruction for qualification in English literature is either Russian or English)

Qualification (as written in diploma): Master of Philological Sciences.

Special disciplines:

  • methodology of literary criticism research;
  • poetics of literary text;
  • literary translation and intercultural communication;
  • the author and  forms of his presence in the text;
  • literary process as a system of conventional contexts etc.

(day tuition and tuition by correspondence)

Qualification (as written in diploma):Master of Philological Sciences.

Special disciplines:

  • methodology of linguistic research;
  • modern streams of linguistics;
  • history of linguistic sciences;
  • semiotics;
  • pragmatics;
  • social linguistics etc.

(day tuition and tuition by correspondence)                

Qualification (as written in diploma): Master of Philological Sciences.

Special disciplines:

  • methodology of literary criticism research;
  • poetics of literary text;
  • literary translation and intercultural communication;
  • the author and forms of his presence in the text;
  • literary process as a system of conventional contexts etc.

(day tuition and tuition by correspondence )

Qualification (as written in diploma):master of pedagogical sciences .

Special disciplines:

  • linguistic didactics;
  • modern educational technologies;
  • methodology and techniques of research;
  • speech genres etc.



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